Mary’s Meals would like to thank everyone in the parish for their wonderful generosity in response to our Foreign Currency initiative. It raised a terrific £895.26 which means Mary’s Meals will be able to feed 46 children one good meal every school day for a whole year because of your support. Please continue to pray for the work of Mary’s Meals. God bless you all.
- 105 UAE Dirhams, current banknotes: £18.64 GBP
- 20 Argentinian Pesos, withdrawn banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 60 Argentinian Pesos, current banknotes: £0.05 GBP
- 6900 Argentinian Pesos, demonetised banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 3 Australian Dollars, withdrawn banknotes: £1.08 GBP
- 136000 Azerbaijani Manat, demonetised banknotes: £0.79 GBP
- 6 Barbados Dollars, withdrawn banknotes: £1.38 GBP
- 10 Barbados Dollars, current banknotes: £2.78 GBP
- 100 Belgian Francs, withdrawn banknotes: £1.41 GBP
- 1 Bulgarian Old Lev, demonetised banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 20 Bulgarian Leva, current banknotes: £6.68 GBP
- 1 Bahraini Dinar, current banknotes: £1.56 GBP
- 3024 Brazilian Cruzeiros, demonetised banknotes: £0.03 GBP
- 138 Brazilian Reais, withdrawn banknotes: £15.03 GBP
- 12 Brazilian Reais, current banknotes: £1.52 GBP
- 10 Canadian Dollars, withdrawn banknotes: £3.63 GBP
- 110.6 Chinese Yuan, withdrawn banknotes: £7.3 GBP
- 147 Chinese Yuan, current banknotes: £13.35 GBP
- 1.9 Chinese Foreign Exchange Certificate, demonetised banknotes: £0.09 GBP
- 50 Costa Rican Colones, demonetised banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 120 Czechoslovak Koruna, demonetised banknotes: £0.42 GBP
- 10 Cuban Convertible Pesos, demonetised banknotes: £0.5 GBP
- 8 Cypriot Pounds, withdrawn banknotes: £1.1 GBP
- 300 Czech Koruna, withdrawn banknotes: £7.26 GBP
- 50 Czech Koruna, demonetised banknotes: £0.17 GBP
- 130 Deutsche Marks, withdrawn banknotes: £37.69 GBP
- 14.6 Egyptian Pounds, withdrawn banknotes: £0.16 GBP
- 670 Egyptian Pounds, current banknotes: £8.88 GBP
- 3000 Spanish Pesetas, withdrawn banknotes: £1.23 GBP
- 690 French Francs, withdrawn banknotes: £4.31 GBP
- 900 Ghanaian Cedis, demonetised banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 3900 Greek Drachma, withdrawn banknotes: £0.7 GBP
- 100.04 Hong Kong Dollars, withdrawn banknotes: £6.37 GBP
- 730 Croatian Kuna, withdrawn banknotes: £53.01 GBP
- 2000 Hungarian Forints, withdrawn banknotes: £2.98 GBP
- 2000 Indonesian Rupiah, withdrawn banknotes: £0.06 GBP
- 386100 Indonesian Rupiah, demonetised banknotes: £0.39 GBP
- 42 Irish Pounds, withdrawn banknotes: £32.81 GBP
- 1480 Indian Rupees, withdrawn banknotes: £0.67 GBP
- 700 Indian Rupees, current banknotes: £4.61 GBP
- 9 Iraqi Dinars, withdrawn banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 25 Iraqi Dinars, demonetised banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 30000 Italian Lire, withdrawn banknotes: £0.9 GBP
- 2 Jamaican Dollars, withdrawn banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 750 Kenyan Shillings, withdrawn banknotes: £2.16 GBP
- 200 Cambodian Riels, current banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 96 Sri Lankan Rupees, withdrawn banknotes: £0.14 GBP
- 40 Moroccan Dirhams, current banknotes: £2.08 GBP
- 10 Burmese Kyats, demonetised banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 575 Mauritian Rupees, current banknotes: £6.6 GBP
- 20 Mexican Pesos, current banknotes: £0.72 GBP
- 720 Mexican Old Pesos, demonetised banknotes: £0.02 GBP
- 115 Malaysian Ringgit, withdrawn banknotes: £12.79 GBP
- 43 Malaysian Ringgit, current banknotes: £5.56 GBP
- 945 Nigerian Naira, demonetised banknotes: £0.06 GBP
- 30 Dutch Guilders, withdrawn banknotes: £6.24 GBP
- 250 Norwegian Kroner, withdrawn banknotes: £11.12 GBP
- 100 Norwegian Kroner, current banknotes: £5.89 GBP
- 5 New Zealand Dollars, withdrawn banknotes: £1.62 GBP
- 80.7 Omani Rials, withdrawn banknotes: £105.61 GBP
- 15 Omani Rials, current banknotes: £24.34 GBP
- 0.65 Omani Rials, demonetised banknotes: £0.08 GBP
- 603 Pakistani Rupees, demonetised banknotes: £0.1 GBP
- 70 Polish Zlotys, current banknotes: £10.6 GBP
- 700 Portuguese Escudos, demonetised banknotes: £0.77 GBP
- 100 Romanian Old Lei, demonetised banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 10 Romanian Lei, current banknotes: £1.32 GBP
- 4650 Russian Rubles, current banknotes: £26.32 GBP
- 100000 Russian Old Rubles, demonetised banknotes: £6 GBP
- 25 Seychellois Rupees, current banknotes: £0.93 GBP
- 600 Swedish Kronor, withdrawn banknotes: £8.14 GBP
- 310 Swedish Kronor, current banknotes: £19.09 GBP
- 26 Singapore Dollars, withdrawn banknotes: £9.69 GBP
- 79 Singapore Dollars, current banknotes: £37.08 GBP
- 60 Thai Baht, withdrawn banknotes: £0.79 GBP
- 2000000 Turkish Old Lira, withdrawn banknotes: £0.3 GBP
- 20 Turkish Lira, current banknotes: £0.41 GBP
- 32 Trinidad and Tobago Dollars, withdrawn banknotes: £2.16 GBP
- 200 Trinidad and Tobago Dollars, demonetised banknotes: £1.46 GBP
- 10 Ukrainian Hryven, current banknotes: £0.13 GBP
- 2920 Venezuelan Bolivares, demonetised banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 45 East Caribbean Dollars, withdrawn banknotes: £8.06 GBP
- 8000 West African CFA Francs, demonetised banknotes: £0.96 GBP
- 560 Yugoslavian Dinars, demonetised banknotes: £0.01 GBP
- 250 South African Rands, withdrawn banknotes: £6.8 GBP
- 11.75 UAE Dirhams, current coins: £1.38 GBP
- 86.3 Austrian Schillings, withdrawn coins: £2.77 GBP
- 22.8 Australian Dollars, current coins: £7.89 GBP
- 8.95 Barbados Dollars, current coins: £1.67 GBP
- 330 Belgian Francs, withdrawn coins: £0.17 GBP
- 0.4 Bulgarian Leva, current coins: £0.1 GBP
- 0.5 Brunei Dollars, current coins: £0.15 GBP
- 49.94 Canadian Dollars, current coins: £17.08 GBP
- 24.3 Swiss Francs, current coins: £15.29 GBP
- 7 Chinese Yuan, current coins: £0.29 GBP
- 1100 Colombian Pesos, current coins: £0.06 GBP
- 100 Costa Rican Colones, current coins: £0.04 GBP
- 456 Czech Koruna, current coins: £9.78 GBP
- 20.5 Deutsche Marks, withdrawn coins: £5.06 GBP
- 2 Danish Kroner, withdrawn coins: £0.12 GBP
- 162 Danish Kroner, current coins: £13.15 GBP
- 13 Egyptian Pounds, current coins: £0.13 GBP
- 2445 Spanish Pesetas, withdrawn coins: £0.76 GBP
- 312.5 French Francs, withdrawn coins: £0.98 GBP
- 33 Hong Kong Dollars, current coins: £1.73 GBP
- 46.6 Croatian Kuna, current coins: £2.78 GBP
- 400 Hungarian Forints, current coins: £0.52 GBP
- 2.48 Irish Pounds, withdrawn coins: £1.75 GBP
- 25 Israeli New Shekels, current coins: £2.92 GBP
- 900 Icelandic Kronur, current coins: £2.57 GBP
- 2000 Italian Lire, withdrawn coins: £0.06 GBP
- 500 Japanese Yen, current coins: £1.51 GBP
- 12 Moroccan Dirhams, current coins: £0.45 GBP
- 19 Mexican Pesos, current coins: £0.43 GBP
- 0.5 Malaysian Ringgit, current coins: £0.04 GBP
- 12.5 Dutch Guilders, withdrawn coins: £0.06 GBP
- 226.5 Norwegian Kroner, current coins: £9.88 GBP
- 0.9 New Zealand Dollars, withdrawn coins: £0.22 GBP
- 0.05 Omani Rials, current coins: £0.04 GBP
- 5 Peruvian Nuevos Soles, current coins: £0.53 GBP
- 19 Polish Zlotys, current coins: £2.27 GBP
- 1000 Portuguese Escudos, withdrawn coins: £0.25 GBP
- 0.5 Qatari Riyals, current coins: £0.04 GBP
- 2.5 Romanian Lei, current coins: £0.25 GBP
- 6 Swedish Kronor, current coins: £0.28 GBP
- 13.6 Singapore Dollars, current coins: £4.02 GBP
- 220 Thai Baht, current coins: £2.35 GBP
- 1 Tunisian Dinar, current coins: £0.1 GBP
- 4 Turkish Lira, current coins: £0.06 GBP
- 28 East Caribbean Dollars, current coins: £3.86 GBP
- 600 West African CFA Francs, current coins: £0.22 GBP
- 41 South African Rands, current coins: £0.74 GBP
- 55 Euro, current banknotes: £43.54 GBP
- 26 British Pounds, withdrawn banknotes: £23.92 GBP
- 10 Guernsey Pounds, withdrawn banknotes: £8.5 GBP
- 6 US Dollars, withdrawn banknotes: £3.91 GBP
- 5 US Dollars, current banknotes: £3.61 GBP
- 79.37 Euro, current coins: £55.41 GBP
- 0.05 Channel Islands Pounds, withdrawn coins: £0.03 GBP
- 0.67 Channel Islands Pounds, current coins: £0.5 GBP
- 21.24 British Pounds, withdrawn coins: £15.93 GBP
- 1.44 British Pounds, current coins: £1.32 GBP
- 29.42 US Dollars, current coins: £17.97 GBP
- British Pounds, out-of-circulation copper coins: £ 0.99 GBP
The total exchange value is: £682.62 GBP
We added 5% because the exchange is for a good cause: £34.14 GBP
Along with the currencies listed above, were some out-of-circulation, demonetised or otherwise unexchangeable coins. We will pay you a scrap value for these coins (£1.30 per kilo):
- 2.200kg of unexchangeable/scrap coins: £ 2.86 GBP
We will donate the amount of £ 895.26 to Mary’s Meals.